
Make your Bitcoin payments with your wrist

Wearable Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin Bracelet (Source:
USPA NEWS - Bitcoin holders may soon be able to wear their Bitcoin wallets on their wrist. The MEVU bracelet is designed to be used for small transactions such as paying for coffee, tips and the like. The bracelet can store alternate digital currencies as well.
MEVU´s CEO and co-founder, Apurv Mishra says that the wearable bracelet was designed for the smaller day to day transactions that occur during our daily routines. These type of transactions such as parking, stopping at the coffee shop, buying lunch could all be facilitated by using the bracelet for instant payment that would be handled by the coinbase API. It is highly unlikely that one would use this device to make major purchases, since the security is minimal. Perhaps a phone based application would be able to handle that aspect in the near future.
On the other hand there is another product that acts as a wallet only. The security feature is that this device uses the owners heartbeat as its security protocol. Without this heartbeat, the wallet locks up and is unable to be opened. Thus if the owner has a medical emergency with their heart, a person could not just be able to take the bracelet and the funds locked inside to be used for their own gain. Perhaps one day there will even be one that uses our own dna or biometric information for the security features.
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